Greetings everyone, happy New Year and decade for that matter. January is such a strange month, it is sort of the holiday hangover month, by this time everyone is ready to move on from the holidays, with new resolutions and hopes for the months to come. (Picture of Katie and I preparing grapes on New Years Eve, 12 of which are to be eating at midnight to bring good luck for each of the 12 months to come, a Spanish tradition).
I was very lucky to be able to make the long trek back to Seattle to spend the holidays with my beloved Seattlites and sleep in the joy and comfort of my bed. My trip home was great, Christmas and New Years fell at great times this year and it seemed like most people had a lot of time off, which was great for me.
Going home was definitely a great way to recharge my batteries and relax, but times sure does fly while you’re having fun, and here I am back and Spain. So far so good on this end. I recently got hired at Queens English Academy teaching private classes in the evenings after I am done at school. So I am very happy about that, earning some extra money to put towards traveling and things like that.
I also joined a gym right next to my school and have started working out during my lengthy two-hour lunch break. The gym makes the gym I worked out last year in Almonte look like the Washington Athletic Club, this gym is pretty ghetto, I think the treadmill they have is the original one, or at least dates back to the 80’s but hey it works, its convenient and cheap so I can not complain.
The weather here has been crazy since my return, cold spells, snow, horrible rain and wind, am I back in Seattle? Oh well, I am anxiously anticipating the arrival of Spring, it will be here before we know it.
Well that is all for now.